ISIL Attack on East Hama has been Repelled

ISIL recent offensive in the eastern part of the Hama Governorate has been repelled by the National Defense Forces (NDF) and the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) after two days of non-stop fighting in the Al-Salamiyah District.
ISIL’ first attack on Al-Maba’ouji was repelled on the first day of their offensive; however, they were able to maintain their positions in the villages of Al-Sheikh Hilaal, ‘Aqeerab, and Al-Qintaraat, despite the constant airstrikes from the Syrian Arab Air Force (SAAF).
Finally, the death toll proved too much for the ISIL contingents, they retreated east towards the Ar-Raqqa Governorate, where they will likely regroup and prepare for another assault.
This was ISIL’ third attempt to gain ground in the eastern part of the Hama Governorate since mid-March.
ISIL has been responsible for at least 31 civilian deaths in east Hama since the advent of these offensives; this number includes the civilians who were massacred at the village of Al-Maba’ouji last week.