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Raeisi funeral 3rd largest in modern history: Nasrallah

Hezbollah ceremony in tribute to martyrs President Ebrahim Raeisi and his companions was held in Beirut’s southern suburb (Dahiyeh) on Friday.

Secretary General of Hezbollah movement Seyyed Hasan Nasrallah addressed the ceremony.

“Liberation of south Lebanon in May 25, 2000 was a great victory to the Resistance and historic defeat to the Zionist entity,” he said at the start of his address.

“The incident in which helicopter of President Raeisi and companions crashed was a painful incident that led to the loss of prominent figures whom the nation will miss,” he later said.

He reiterated condolences over martyrdom of President Raeisi, Ayatollah Mohammad Al-Hashem, FM Hossein Amir Abdollahian and other companions.

He continued to note that celebrations on Resistance and Liberation Day were canceled after the martyrdom of President Raeisi and his companions.

“President Raisi was a role model in all the posts he occupied,” the Hezbollah chief said, adding that ” Seyyed Ebrahim Raeisi was a scholar, religious, compassionate, loving, humble and courageous in face of hegemonic powers.”

Nasrallah continued to note that “President Raisi faced both political and economic challenges amid the blockade and sanctions imposed on the Islamic Republic of Iran.”

“Seyyed Raeisi had great faith in the Palestinian cause, the resistance, and the resistance groups in the region,” he further said.

The Hezboollah chief continued to hail late foreign minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, who was on board the crashed helicopter and said that he “had a great love for Palestine, Lebanon and all resistance groups of the region.”

“We have known nothing but love, sympathy and support from Seyyed Raeisi and Mr. Amir-Abdollahian,” he continued.

“Funeral of President Raisi and companions is the third largest funeral in the new hisotry,” he said, further noting that “Those who accuse Hezbollah of losing popularity suffer disorders related to denial and dissociation from reality, a local funeral of a Hezbollah martyr in south Lebanon is more popular than a central ceremony celebrated by any other Lebanese power.”

The mass funeral of President Raeisi and his companions has delivered a message of loyalty and allegiance to the path of Ayatollah Khamenei in Iran, he added.

“The second message delivered through the mass funeral of President Raisi and companions is that Iran is powerful and cohesive state,” Nasrallah added.

The Hezbollah leader went on to say that the people’s participation at funeral of martyrs shows support for resistance in region.

He said that Iran will not weaken after Raeisi’s demise and will continue its support for Palestine and Resistance, adding that “Deluded are those who are waiting for Iran to weaken or to abandon Palestine and resistance groups.”

“Today, in the eighth month of the war on Gaza, Israeli officials admit to failure and agree that the current events are unprecedented,” he said, adding that, “Moves by some European countries’ to recognize Palestinian state in a strategic failure for the Zionist entity.”

“The European countries’ recognition of Palestinian state is one of the repercussions of Op. Al-Aqsa Storm,” the Hezbollah leader said, hailing the students and faculty members who have taken part in pro-Gaza protests in campuses across the world.”

“The resistance in Lebanon and Yemen have surprised the Israeli enemy since the start of the war,” according to Nasrallah, adding that, “We are the party who has the right to talk about surprises, the enemy has to wait for our surprises.”

At the end of his speech, he mourned Martyr All the Way to Al-Quds Hasan Adel Al-Shaabi (Jawad Ali), from Teir Harfa border town.


News ID 215625


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