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VIDEO: Yemeni forces unveil footage of an assault against ‘israel’, caution maritime shipping companies

The Yemeni military has published a video showcasing a recent attack on an oil tanker in the Red Sea, aimed at Israel. They issued a warning to shipping companies to comply with the restrictions they have enforced.

The video released on Friday depicts explosions on the Greek-flagged tanker that was attacked earlier in the week.

“The Greek vessel SOUNION was targeted by our forces due to its owner company’s breach of the prohibition by docking at one of the occupied Palestinian ports,” declared the Yemeni Armed Forces in an official statement.

“The Yemeni Armed Forces have repeated their warning to companies about breaching the imposed ban, asserting that the consequences in the next phase will be more drastic and destructive for the ships of companies that do not comply. Additionally, they caution those associated with the ‘Israeli,’ American, and British adversaries, given the ongoing aggression and blockade by the Zionist enemy against the Palestinian people,” the statement declared.

“They urged all vessels navigating the Red Sea, Gulf of Aden, and the Indian Ocean to refrain from tampering with data or hiding their identities to prevent raising suspicion,” the statement added.

“The Yemeni Armed Forces expressed gratitude to the companies that respected the ban and refrained from sailing to ports in occupied Palestine. They also assured that these ships could traverse safely within the operational range of the Yemeni Armed Forces,” the statement concluded.

The Yemeni military often targets ships and vessels associated with Israel that are headed for Israel in the Red Sea.

Yemen announced that the activities are in solidarity with Palestinians residing in the Gaza Strip.

In retaliation for fatal assaults by the United States and the United Kingdom on their nation, Yemeni forces have executed a number of operations targeting American and British ships.

The Israeli regime’s violent assault on Gaza has resulted in the deaths of at least 40,265 Palestinians, predominantly women and children, and has left over 93,000 others injured. Additionally, thousands are unaccounted for and believed to be buried under the debris.

Since the beginning of Israel’s aggressive conflict in Gaza, Yemeni forces have conducted numerous operations to support the besieged population of Gaza. They have targeted various locations within the occupied Palestinian territories and attacked Israeli ships or vessels en route to ports in these occupied areas.

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