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Leader declares final triumph in ongoing conflict belongs to the resistance front

The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Ummah and Oppressed Imam Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei, has declared that Hezbollah and other resistance groups are currently prevailing in the conflict. He attributed their success to, among other factors, Israel's actions, which include the mass killing of women and children in Palestine and Lebanon.

“In an address to veterans and activists in Tehran on Wednesday, the speaker asserted that ‘up to this point, Hezbollah and the resistance forces have emerged victorious, partly due to the casualties inflicted.’”

According to recent statements, it was asserted that if the Zionist regime had managed to overcome resistance forces in Gaza, the West Bank, or Lebanon, there would be no necessity for its current actions, which have been described as reprehensible attacks on residential areas, educational institutions, medical facilities, and civilians, including women and children.

“The regime, having been unable to overcome the resistance forces, resorts to targeting women, children, unarmed civilians, and attacking vehicles, schools, and hospitals in an attempt to feign victory,” he stated. “Thus far, these efforts have proven unsuccessful.”

Ayatollah Khamenei stated that while Hezbollah has endured the loss of some of their impactful and esteemed members, these casualties have not inflicted a crippling blow on the organization.

Hezbollah’s organizational and human resources are far more extensive than reported. Their authority, capabilities, and strength remain robust and are unlikely to be significantly impacted by recent losses.

“Their victories to date have been achieved, and by the grace and power of God, the ultimate triumph in this conflict will be claimed by the resistance front and Hezbollah,” the Leader stated.

Ayatollah Khamenei likened the current conflicts in Lebanon and Palestine to Iran’s “sacred defense” during the 1980s conflict against former Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein. He referred to these ongoing struggles as “Jihad in the way of Allah.”

According to a conclusive interpretation of Sharia law, it is considered a mandatory duty for all individuals to strive towards the restoration of Palestine and the Al-Aqsa Mosque to Muslim control and its rightful owners.

“A profound movement is unfolding in Palestine and Gaza, where the people are genuinely striving in the path of Allah,” he stated.

In the ongoing conflict involving Lebanon and Palestine, the Leader remarked, “The adversary, who is characterized as infidel and malevolent, possesses superior equipment, backed by the United States.”

In a statement, the spokesperson asserted that despite American claims of non-involvement and lack of information, they allegedly possess both knowledge and involvement in the situation. He further contended that the United States is actively seeking a victory for the Zionist regime.

In the lead-up to the upcoming elections, the current U.S. administration faces a delicate balancing act. It seeks to demonstrate its unwavering support for Israel, often referred to as the Zionist regime, highlighting its role in aiding the nation’s victories. Simultaneously, the administration is conscientiously courting American Muslim voters, necessitating a nuanced stance that attempts to obscure its direct involvement in foreign conflicts.

Ayatollah Khamenei highlighted the significant disparity in resources between Israel and its adversaries, declaring that Israel possesses substantial financial resources, advanced weaponry, comprehensive facilities, and a global propaganda network. In stark contrast, he noted, “the faithful and those fighting in the path of Allah have less than a tenth of these capabilities.”

“However, the prevailing side is that of those fighting in the name of Allah. The Palestinian resistance has achieved victory, and Hezbollah has also emerged triumphant.”

The Supreme Leader reaffirmed Iran’s staunch resistance to U.S. hegemony, declaring that the Islamic Republic will resolutely reject any form of American coercion.

“Echoing sentiments from the early days of the revolution, he reiterated the stance against oppressive regimes, particularly highlighting opposition to American dominance, stating, ‘We remain steadfast in our resistance against the domination system and American hegemony.’”

Ayatollah Khamenei has stated that the 1979 Islamic Revolution in Iran was a definitive protest against the prevailing global order, and the Islamic Republic remains opposed to this system to this day.

He issued a cautionary statement about the risks of cultural infiltration and lifestyle influences, as well as hostile temptations posed by adversaries that could undermine Iran’s anti-colonial path.

“Attention must be prioritized within the Ministry of Education, broadcasting channels, print media, the Ministry of Science, and the Ministry of Health, which are the key institutions responsible for youth education.”

“The Leader emphasized that adversaries previously vanquished by our forces should not be permitted to infiltrate the nation through deceptive strategies and subterfuge.”

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