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Resistance factions commend Iran’s missile strike on Israeli regime

Following the Islamic Republic's recent missile operation targeting Israel in retaliation for alleged actions by the Zionist regime, various Resistance groups have publicly declared their backing of Tehran's military response.

In the aftermath of the Islamic Republic’s missile strike against Israel, carried out in retaliation for recent actions attributed to the Zionist regime, various Resistance groups have formally declared their backing of Tehran.

The Palestinian resistance group Hamas has endorsed the recent missile launches by Iran, describing them as a response to what it terms Zionist aggression against both Palestinian and Lebanese populations.

“We assert that the dignified response from Iran serves as a powerful message to the Israeli adversary and its fascist government. This action aims to deter and restrain their activities, which have far surpassed acceptable boundaries through their crimes, arrogance, and violations of international laws and humanitarian standards.”

In a recent statement, officials conveyed their admiration for the Islamic Republic of Iran, commending its resolute stance against what they described as unrestrained Zionist overreach. They praised Iran’s alignment with principles of justice and support for the struggles of the Palestinian and Lebanese people. This acknowledgment also highlighted Iran’s commitment to the broader interests of the Islamic Nation, particularly in efforts to end the occupation and counter the fascist Zionist adversary.

Ultimately, the declaration urged all nations, communities, political entities, and collective forces within Arab and Islamic countries to unite and actively oppose Zionist actions and the expansionist Zionist agenda that threatens the entire region.

“We call upon all to utilize every available method to free our land and sacred sites from the oppressive fascist occupation.”

The Iraqi Resistance Coordination Committee has released an official statement.

“In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. Should the Americans engage in any hostile actions against the Islamic Republic or if the Zionist enemy utilizes Iraqi airspace for bombing operations, all American bases and interests in Iraq and the surrounding region will be deemed targets, with no route for escape.”

In a recent statement, Yemeni Ansarullah spokesman Mohammed Abdul Salam asserted that the only effective method to halt the ongoing aggressions in the region is to deter and confront the Zionist entity. He emphasized that such actions are crucial to prevent further brutal crimes against the Palestinian and Lebanese populations.

“The Iranian operation targeting military positions in what is termed occupied Palestine has received commendation, with support expressed for the Islamic Republic’s backing of Palestinian resistance efforts and opposition to American dominance in the region.”

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