Israeli expert reportedly voices astonishment regarding the Shahed-136 B drone
An Israeli expert specializing in security and military affairs has voiced astonishment regarding the design specifications of Iran’s Shahed-136 B drone.
According to a report by the Israeli website Calcalist, the Shahed-136 B drone from Iran potentially possesses the capacity to travel up to 4,000 kilometers, as cited by analyst Nitzan Sadan.
Iran showcased a new drone during its annual military exercise on September 21, which officials have highlighted for its remarkable features, according to statements made by authorities.
The “Shahed-136B” presents notable distinctions from the 200-kilogram, delta-wing configuration of the Shahed-136, with variations evident in both its design and payload capacity.
The drone is equipped with traditional tapered leading-edge and straight trailing-edge shoulder wings, complemented by similarly designed horizontal stabilizers and featuring dual vertical stabilizers configured in an H-tail layout.
The Shahed-136B boasts an impressive operational range exceeding 4,000 kilometers, establishing it as the longest-range kamikaze drone globally.