A year after Duma arson attack, lone survivor traumatized

Exactly a year ago this Sunday, Israeli terrorists firebombed the Dawabsha family’s modest home in the middle of the night, setting Ahmad, his parents, Saad and Riham, and his brother, 18-month-old Ali, ablaze. Ali died within minutes. Saad and Riham, who suffered from third-degree burns to their bodies, succumbed to their wounds later.
Ahmad fought for his life in the hospital, spending several days in intensive care and undergoing multiple surgeries, skin grafts, and other treatments. Broken from the inside, Ahmad keeps asking about his parents every day and their absence is reportedly taking a heavy toll on him.
Though Ahmad has overcome many obstacles, he still has a long road ahead of him. The arson attack on the Dawabsha family home in Duma was carried out in July 2015.