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Al-Manar English Website Issues a Message to Sayyed Nasrallah: Our Resilience Endures

Your Eminence, Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah, esteemed leader,For numerous years, it has been our profound honor...

Esteemed Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah, revered leader,

For several years, Al-Manar English Website has had the profound honor of translating your speeches. This task has transcended mere duty, becoming instead a privilege, as we disseminated your words to a global audience.

We were honored to convey your insights to seekers of your wisdom worldwide, transcending borders and languages. Each address held profound significance that often eluded complete translation, as your words embodied a depth and elegance unparalleled by any language.

We extend our apologies, Sayyed, for any shortcomings on our part.

Despite our diligent efforts to capture the genuine essence of your sentiments, we recognize that no translation can fully encapsulate the potency of your words. Your eloquence surpassed all limitations we endeavored to overcome.

After extensive consultation of dictionaries and thorough internal deliberations, we endeavored to pinpoint the ideal terminology. Despite our earnest efforts, we remained acutely aware that the true magnitude of our intended expression eluded full articulation.

Your words extended beyond mere speech—they resonated deeply, invigorating the hearts of those you hold dear.

This past Saturday, as the news of your martyrdom resounded throughout the nation, our hearts were broken.

The adherents of the resistance were profoundly moved, each tear imbued with the significance of Karbala. Could it be true? Could our steadfast leader, who embodied such strength and resolve, truly have departed? The adversaries reveled in their perceived victory, yet we struggled to fathom a reality devoid of Sayyed.

How can we pen these words, our hands shaking with sorrow? How do we address you now, knowing you have ascended to the ranks of the honored martyrs?

Reporting the tragic news of your martyrdom proved to be an extraordinarily difficult task. Our hands trembled as we composed the sorrowful announcement.

In a poignant quest for solace, we find refuge under the protective mantle of Zainab (peace be upon her), who endured an indescribable sorrow. Echoing her heartfelt prayers, we beseech that God embraces this profound sacrifice.

The resistance today encounters its most formidable challenge. Reflecting on a poignant moment, we draw inspiration from the last words of Imam Hussein (peace be upon him) to Zainab, urging restraint and the protection of the young: “Do not tear your clothes for me, do not slap your cheeks. Protect the children for me.” As we mourn, we are reminded to remain resolute. Our forebears’ strength fuels our bravery, guiding us to persevere and emerge triumphant in this crucial test.

From the elevated terrains of Zainabi, the Islamic Resistance turns to the guidance of the Commander of the Faithful, Imam Ali (peace be upon him), drawing strength from his directive: “Hold steadfast. Maintain your position. Aim for the utmost horizons.”

The gravity of the current struggle is unprecedented, says Sayyed, not one marked by physical warfare, but a conflict that profoundly affects our innermost selves. The situation remains impervious to any comforting words.

No voice has the power to alleviate our sorrow. However, it is imperative to understand that Hezbollah’s anguish is not a result of frailty or apprehension. Our resolve remains unshaken.

The response to skeptics will not be conveyed through rhetoric, but through tangible actions—on the ground where your enduring spirit leads our efforts.

From the onset, Sayyed, your leadership never faltered. You fully comprehended the sacrifices intrinsic to this journey and faced them without fear. Your concerns were not for your own safety but for the lives of your comrades and the welfare of those who placed their trust in your guidance. Each decision you undertook was made for our benefit, and the weight of that responsibility is something we can only begin to understand.

Amid the turbulence, solace was deeply rooted in faith, a profound connection with God, and the sagacity imparted by guiding figures such as Supreme Leader Sayyed Ali Khamenei. Even in moments of intense strain, his counsel was sought, and he remains a figure of trust and authority for many, despite numerous deceptive adversities aimed at undermining the resistance movement.

Sayyed’s martyrdom represents an irreparable loss, one that no triumph can alleviate. Even if the resistance were to bring about the complete destruction of Israel, the sorrow from losing him remains insurmountable.

However, as articulated, “The essence of news lies in observation, not in hearsay.” The fight endures, and with it, your enduring legacy lives on.

You once proclaimed that even if we were to experience a thousand deaths, we would steadfastly remain by the side of Imam Hussein (peace be upon him). Today, we confront this solemn reality, our hearts heavy with sorrow, but our heads held high in resilience. Your martyrdom mirrors that of Sayyed Abbas al-Moussawi who came before you.

Your legacy endures, shining luminously in the hearts of those who accompanied you on this journey.

In your absence, we at the Al-Manar English Website commit to upholding the legacy you instilled. Our resolve remains unwavering. We will persist in disseminating your message, translating the tenets of resistance, and perpetuating the beacon of light you ignited for us all.

There was a time when each speech you delivered and every position you held filled us with pride. Today, that pride is tinged with sorrow, yet it has also fortified our determination.

Sayyed was more than a leader; he was a mentor, an educator, and a source of inspiration. His sacrifice now empowers the faithful, who will raise their voices to the heavens, asking, “Are you pleased, O Lord?” Our mission remains unwavering: to honor his sacrifice with triumph, to fulfill our duties, and to preserve his memory and legacy with utmost reverence.

Sayyed, as our esteemed leader, you embody the core of our struggle. The Al-Manar English team remains steadfast in our dedication to you. We pledge to disseminate your messages faithfully and uphold the direction you have established for us.

With heartfelt appreciation, loyalty, and gratitude,
The Al-Manar English Website Team

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