Ayatollah Sistani orders protection of people’s properties in freed regions

Iraq-based prominent Muslim religious leader issued a fatwa banning the seizure or looting of public properties in those areas freed from the terrorists’ control in Iraq.
When asked by his followers on the issue, Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani said “We have several times stressed that abusing the Iraqi citizens’ properties in areas freed from the terrorists’ hands is haram (religiously forbidden).”
He added that “We condemn disrespecting and looting of the citizens’ properties.”
Ayatollah Sistani called on the Iraqi officials to confront the issue with an iron fist, warning of its dire consequences.
In relevant remarks in November, Sistani called on the Iraqi government to rush to the aid of Sunni tribes battling the ISIL, after the terrorist group executed at least 220 tribesmen West of Baghdad.