Congress must probe ISIL creation by US, Israel and Saudi Arabia: Dankof

A former US Senate candidate calls for a congressional investigation into the creation and funding of the ISIL terrorist group by the United States, Israel and Saudi Arabia.
“The entire world knows that this ISIS organization, also known as ISIL, was created by the United States, Saudi Arabic and Israel for the specific purpose of enacting regime change in Syria,” said Mark Dankof in an interview with Press TV on Thursday.
“There needs to be a set of congressional hearings –honest ones which we are never going to see—that actually expose how this ISIS organization was created, who provided the funding, who provided the logistics, and why it is that this organization entered Syria and later Iraq principally to the auspices of two American allies; Turkey, a NATO member, and Jordan,” he added.
Dankof characterized ISIL as “a foreign mercenary army” that has been “deliberately introduced into Syria” by the United States and its allies for the “nefarious purpose” of “regime change in Syria” and as “a prelude to a military attack on Iran which is what Israel has wanted all along.”
US President Barack Obama is considering expanding the military air campaign against ISIL targets from Iraq into neighboring Syria.
Dankof said that Obama is using the terrorist group “to justify military actions in Syria which are as much aimed at President Assad of Syria ultimately as they are at ISIS.”
“This is a classic case of ‘creating a problem and then offering a ‘solution’,” he said.
Starting a war without congressional authorization is a violation of Article I of the US Constitution, Dankof pointed out. “The fact of the matter is Barack Obama knows that he can get away with this. He’s had a series of predecessors, who have gotten away with it.”
The White House insists it does not need explicit congressional authorization for military operations against ISIL positions in Iraq or Syria because they are intended to protect American interests.
On Tuesday, the United States began surveillance flights, conducted by manned and unmanned aircraft, over Syria which could pave the way for expanded military action against ISIL terrorists there.