Excl. Turkish Government to grant citizenship to 300k skilled Syrian terrorists?

(One of terrorists beheading civilians in Syria is seen at Turkey’s Izmir Bus Terminal)
On 3 July 2016, Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan announced that the Ministry of Interior had started preparations to provide 300 000 Syrian refugees in Turkey with a right to apply for Turkish citizenship.
What about the rest of the refugees? What about the millions of skilled university graduate of Turkish students who are unemployed? What do they mean by SKILLED Syrian refugees? Do they mean the ones who are good at beheading people, killing innocents, slaughtering babies? Does Turkish government want to bring the same dirty war on Syria to Turkish land after it failed to deceive people of Turkey for a dirty war on Syria? Is Turkish Government in preparation of butchering people of Turkey with the hands of those skilled Syrian Refugees? Is this a kind of development after Turkey deal with war criminal Israel? Does Turkish Government try to punish people of Turkey for ther opposition to Israel? Is this a kind of gift to Israel by killing people of Turkey in the region with the hands of those skilled Syrian terrorists?
Following Erdogan’s call, a hashtag targeting Syrian refugees, #ÜlkemdeSuriyeliIstemiyorum, meaning “I don’t want Syrians in my country”, #suriyelilerehayir (“No to Syrians”), became a worldwide trend on microblogging site Twitter. Various public surveys indicate less than 10% support for the move among Turkish voters. There are 2.7 million Syrian refugees currently living in Turkey, comprising the largest refugee population in a single country in the world. The refugee influx has created downward pressure on wage levels while increasing unemployment rates, particularly in east and southeast Turkey, creating frustration among citizens.