EXCLUSIVE- Erdogan’s supporters cut Kaba motif pie after Palestinian flag, Kur’an motifs

The religion monger who praised AKP, the ruling party of Turkey, and said, “Ahmad Davutoglu was chosen as Prime Minister by Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) during one of my dreams while I was giving lectures in Masjeed Nabawe,” during his speech for Erdogan and Davutoglu’s AKP party rally in Istanbul.
The photo below shows that the same religion monger of who is a supporter of AKP is cutting a pie, Kaba motif on it, in Turkey’s Tekirdağ. Can you imagine a pie that has Erdogan or Datutoglu motif on it cut by anyone? Would Erdogan or Davutoglu accept something like that? Can these supporters of AKP dare to cut a pie with Erdogan’s motif while they cut Kaba motif pie?
The three photos below show the so-called religious people of office of Mufti in Tokat Zille are cutting another pie that has Kur’an motif on it in 2013. These people also support Turkey’s ruling party, AKP.
In the photos below, Erdogan and Davutoglu are cutting a pie that has Palestinian flag motif on it.
Can you imagine a pie that has Erdogan or Datutoglu motif on it cut by anyone? Would Erdogan or Davutoglu accept something like that? Would it be normal if another country cut a pie with Turkish flag motif?