EXLC. Turkey exported 1 million barrels of crude oil to israel on May 19 2018 one day after Erdogan held Public demonstration to condemn israel!

Turkey exported 1 million barrels of crude oil to israel on May 19 2018 one day after Erdogan held Public
demonstration to condemn israel! Slaughterer israel will use that oil for their vehicles to taget Palestine!
The following archive may help you to understand more.
WATCH| Exlc. Erdogan accepted killer israeli embassador!
This happened on Dec 5, 2016. How possible you call Erdogan a defender of Palestine While israel has never ever made a pause in killing Palestinians? There is no any israeli embassy in Iran and Syria but these two ones are tried to be portrayed as enemies while Erdogan is tried to be presented a Muslim leader!!!
Erdogan’s AKP Party rejected the motion requesting to cancel deals with israel at Parliament.
Turkish Foreign Ministry stated that it would be more appropriate for Israeli embassy in Ankara to return his country for a while. Following the tweets of the israeli embasssador Eitan Naeh during the massacre of Palestinians, Turkish people reacted to the tweets. Thus, Turkish Foreign Ministry consider appropriate to send the israeli embassador to his country for a while. Most of Turkish people say that this act of Turkish authorities is just for the upcoming election. Turkish people say that the Turkish Government is trying to benefit from pretending being gainst israel ahead of election on 24 June. Turkish people are known for their enmity against zionism so it is said that the authorities try to use this reality in their favour for election while there is no any cuts in Turkish- israeli trade, military cooperations, etc. Few days ago representatives of Turkish Foreign Ministry were present at the celebration of occupation, zionist, baby killer israeli 70th anniversary on May 4, 2018 in Ankara during a time while israeli killer forces were busy with killing unarmed Palestinian civilians.
Erdogan accepted famous zionist American Jewish Communities’ leaders.
Erdogan congratulated Zionists’ Passover, Pesach while israeli snipers killing Palestinians in cold blood.
WATCH| Excl Schoking- Erdogan is welcomed by Killer Sharon’s “Welcome to Quds, the capital of israel”!
WATCH| Excl- Erdogan, “I do not accept a Government concept that is based on religions. Secularism is guaranty for religions,”
The following arhive may help you, too.
USA’s ex-embassador to Ankara, James Jeffrey, “Erdogan allow us to arm PKK on daily bases,”
How sincere is Turkish Government in fighting against PKK while James Jeffry says that Erdogan allows them to arm PKK on daily basis? Is the target of Erdogan really PKK?
To check the previous related videos follow the below archive, please.
Turkish President Erdogan interfered the youth who were saying Allahu Akbar and told the to keep it (Allahu Akbar” for funeral procession during his pseech in Turkish Kütahya city on Jan 20, 2018.
WATCH EXCL. Behind Erdogan’s One Minute Show
World media never published the most important part of the ONE MINUTE THEATRE! Here you can watch THE UNTOLD of that well played THEATRE.
VIDEO- Mothers of Turkey, “DOWN WITH! Let Erdogan send his ministers and sons to military service!”
VIDEO- Is this a confession of Erdogan’s party about the dirty plan in Middle East?
Besir ATALAY, the Vice Chairman and Spokesperson of AKP, is confessing how their government supported, established so-called opposition HDP party which is another branch of Zionist Barzani.
Atalay: Er, all studies have been prepared and laws are made for the return of those people who live abroad and in the mountains (reffering to the PKK). A big role is given to HDP (so-called pro-Kurdish Party). HDP was BDP at one time. We (AKP) gave them an efficient role in politics. Actually, they got lots of stick in the beginning during their studies at the Parliament. WE IMPOWERED THEM IN A SENSE.
Besir ATALAY, the Vice Chairman and Spokesperson of AKP, is confessing how their government supported, established so-called opposition HDP party which is another branch of Zionist Barzani.
Atalay: Er, all studies have been prepared and laws are made for the return of those people who live abroad and in the mountains (reffering to the PKK). A big role is given to HDP (so-called pro-Kurdish Party). HDP was BDP at one time. We (AKP) gave them an efficient role in politics. Actually, they got lots of stick in the beginning during their studies at the Parliament. WE IMPOWERED THEM IN A SENSE.
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EXCL. VIDEO: These words belong to Turkish Economy Minister NOT Israeli Economy Minister While Gaza is under attack but…
These words belong to Turkish Economy Minister NOT Israeli Economy Minister While Gaza is under attack but…