Hamas captives win against Israeli Prison Service

Prisoner Media Office in Gaza disclosed the articles of the agreement between Hamas’s prisoners and Israeli Prison Service (IPS) by which the hunger strike was halted.
In a press statement on Saturday, the Office announced that the agreement stipulates halting all forms of humiliating search including strip search. It also states improving detention conditions in Nafha jail and returning chief of Hamas prisoners’ higher leadership committee Mohammad Erman from Hadarim jail to Nafha within maximum three months. It also stipulates returning prisoners, who were transferred, back to their sections and allowing the entry of books into jails during family visits as well as allowing following additional TV news channels.
400 Prisoners of Hamas Movement and the Popular front started an open hunger strike in Nafha, Eshel and Raymond jails under the theme “Dignity Hunger Strike 2” in protest at Israeli policies and in support of the hunger striking captives especially Bilal Kayed who has been on hunger strike for 53 days in a row.
Head of the Office Abdurrahman Shadid opined that the agreement is a big victory and told the PIC reporter that 144 captives joined the hunger strike in one night in Eshel jail. Then, 155 other detainees in Nafha prison announced joining the strike while on the following day, 72 prisoners in Raymond jail joined the strike as well.
Riyad al-Ashqar, researcher concerned with prisoners’ affairs, considered the agreement as a big achievement and victory especially that it came only two days after the hunger strike started.