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Hezbollah: Killing of Haniyeh strengthens resistance front’s resolve

The Lebanese resistance movement Hezbollah says the assassination of the head of the political bureau of Hamas resistance movement, Ismail Haniyeh, will only strengthen the resistance front’s resolve.

The group expressed its deepest condolences over the assassination of Hamas’s leader, saying, “We commiserate with our brethren in Hamas over the loss of the great leader, voice our outrage over the Israeli enemy’s crimes, and take great pride in leaders of resistance groups … We are very assured that the divine promise of victory will come true.”

Hezbollah praised Haniyeh as one of the greatest resistance leaders of time, who bravely stood up to the United States’ hegemony projects and the Zionist regime’s occupation plans.

“The martyrdom of Haniyeh will strengthen the determination and resolve of resistance fighters on all fronts, and will inspire them to continue the path of struggle and confront the Zionist enemy much more resolutely than ever,” Hezbollah asserted.

Yemen: Haniyeh’s assassination contravenes intl. law

The Yemeni Ansarullah resistance movement also condemned in the strongest terms Haniyeh’s assassination in Tehran, saying that the killing contravenes principles and norms of the international law.

“The assassination of Hamas politburo chief Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran constitutes a terrorist crime, and a flagrant violation of the international law,” Ansarullah said in a statement broadcast by Yemen’s Arabic-language al-Masirah satellite television network.

It added that the heinous and cowardly assassination of the Hamas leader is a dramatic loss for the Muslim world, especially at this critical juncture of confrontation with the Israeli enemy.

“We are determined to stand by Hamas and all resistance factions in resisting the US-sponsored Zionist aggression,” Ansarullah said.

The movement went on to state that the ongoing Israeli genocidal crimes and assassinations of leading resistance figures demonstrate the regime’s abject failure and absolute incapability in the Gaza war.

Ansarullah also called upon the Arab regimes that have normalized ties with Israel to awaken and work diligently to uphold the dignity of Muslims and support Palestine.

“We reiterate our pledge and determination to support Palestine and its cause. We will continue to follow the path of resistance until final victory.

“The crime of Haniyeh’s assassination will not deter the Palestinian nation and will not stop their resistance against the Zionist regime. Rather, it will increase their resilience and steadfastness,” the Yemeni movement underscored.

“Targeting Ismail Haniyeh is a heinous terrorist crime and a flagrant violation of laws and ideal values.” Mohammed Ali al-Houthi, head of Yemen’s Supreme Revolutionary Committee also said.

Russia: Hamas leader killing ‘unacceptable political murder’

Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov also censured the killing of Haniyeh as “an absolutely unacceptable political murder.”

“This is an absolutely unacceptable political murder, and it will lead to further escalation of tensions,” he told RIA state news agency on Wednesday.

Bogdanov said the killing will also have a negative impact on the course of Gaza ceasefire talks.

Russia has frequently condemned the relentless Israeli offensives against Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, and taken a swipe at the United States for ignoring the need for the establishment of an independent Palestinian state.

Turkey condemns ‘heinous‘ assassination 

Moreover, the Turkish Foreign Ministry condemned the “heinous” assassination of Haniyeh.

“We extend our condolences to the Palestinian people who have sacrificed hundreds of thousands of martyrs like Haniyeh in order to live in peace in their homeland under the roof of their own state,” the ministry said in a statement.

Haniyeh’s assassination once again demonstrates that the Israeli regime led by prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu has no intention of achieving peace, the statement added.

The ministry also warned that the region will face much larger conflicts if the international community does not take action to stop Israel, adding that Haniyeh’s assassination aims to expand the conflict beyond Gaza to a regional scale.

It also reaffirmed Turkey’s support for “the just cause of the Palestinian people.”

Fatah military branch in Gaza condemns Haniyeh killing

The Abdul al-Qadir al-Husseini Brigades, the military branch of the Palestinian Fatah movement in the Gaza Strip, also condemned the assassination of Haniyeh in “a treacherous and cowardly Zionist raid” in the Iranian capital Tehran.

It emphasized that the late Hamas leader followed the path of fallen resistance fighters in the battle to defend the Palestinian cause.

Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guard Corps (IRGC) announced in a statement on Wednesday morning that Haniyeh and one of his bodyguards were killed when their residence in the Iranian capital was hit in an attack.

The statement said the attack is under investigation and the results will be announced later in the day.

It also offered condolences to the heroic Palestinian nation, the Muslim Ummah (community) and fighters of the resistance front over the martyrdom of the senior Palestinian resistance leader.

Haniyeh was in Tehran to attend the swearing-in ceremony of Iranian President Masoud Pezeshkian.

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