Hezbollah: Mission Complete, Sayyed Nasrallah to Refute Israeli Claims in Later Speech

Hezbollah issued a third statement to affirm that early Sunday military operation has been completed successfully and that Secretary General Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah will refute the Zionist claims about a preemptive strike in a speech to be scheduled later.
“By the grace of Allah, all offensive drones were launched at their designated times and from all their positions. They crossed the Lebanese-Palestinian border towards their intended targets from multiple routes. Thus, our military operation for today has been completed, by the grace of Allah.”
The enemy’s claims regarding its preemptive actions, the targets it allegedly hit, and its supposed disruption of the Resistance’s attack are baseless and contradict the facts on the ground, the statement added.
These claims will be refuted in a speech by Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah to be scheduled later today, according to the statement.
The Islamic Resistance in Lebanon announced early Sunday a preliminary response to the brutal Israeli aggression on the southern suburb of Beirut, which led to the martyrdom of the great jihadi leader, Sayyed Fuad Shokr, and a number of civilians, including women and children.
Source: Al-Manar English Website