Home/Multimedia/Imam Khamenei: The people of Yemen and the Ansar Allah government have honestly done a great job. Their work is an example of jihad for the sake of God. We hope that these efforts will continue until victory is achieved. MultimediaVideos Imam Khamenei: The people of Yemen and the Ansar Allah government have honestly done a great job. Their work is an example of jihad for the sake of God. We hope that these efforts will continue until victory is achieved. syriatrMarch 26, 2024 134 Less than a minute https://www.syriatruths.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/ssstwitter.com_1711436776684.mp4 syriatrMarch 26, 2024 134 Less than a minute Facebook X LinkedIn Tumblr Pinterest Reddit VKontakte Share via Email Print