Iran’s Air Defense Force to unveil new generation of drones, missile systems: Top cmdr.
The commander of the Islamic Republic of Iran Air Defense Force (IRIADF) says the Army branch is to unveil its new generation of missile and drone systems in the current Persian calendar year, which started earlier in March.

Brigadier General Ali-Reza Sabahifard announced the information on Friday, visiting an air defense unit on the southern Iranian island of Jask.
The new-generation military hardware, he said, boasts “up-to-date and advanced capabilities.”
Sabahifard considered the IRIADF’s paramount strategy to be “creation of sustainable security,” which, in turn, paves the way for growth and progress in all areas across the country.
The force, he said, “serves as the front line of the country’s defense and guarantees sustainable security for the Islamic homeland and establishment.”
Iranian military experts and engineers have in recent years made remarkable breakthroughs in manufacturing a broad range of indigenous equipment, making the Armed Forces self-sufficient.
Iranian officials have underscored that the country will not hesitate to strengthen its military capabilities, which are entirely meant for defense and deterrence, and that Iran’s defense capabilities will never be open to negotiations.
Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei has on several occasions called for efforts to boost Iran’s defense capabilities.
Sabahifard’s announcement came amid the Islamic Republic’s growing success in expansion of its defensive missile program. The country has used the missiles in attacks in recent years on terrorist targets lying as far as the Mediterranean.
The country can also produce drones capable of carrying surgical-strike missiles with a range of 2,000 kilometers (1242 miles). The aircraft also boast stealth and radar jamming capabilities as well as flight endurance of up to 24 hours.