Iraqi Army, Tribal Fighters Retake Villages in Kirkuk

The Iraqi army, backed by tribal forces, made a strong drive against the ISIL terrorists in Southern Kirkuk, and set several villages free from the control of the Takfiri group.
The Iraqi forces regained full control over Shamsiya, Marayeh, Tavil’ah and Jadideh al-Abadat villages in Southern Kirkuk.
According to reports on Saturday, the army troops and popular forces inflicted major losses on the ISIL in Kirkuk, and regained control over several areas in the oil-rich province.
The city of Kirkuk is located to the South of Erbil. It is the capital of Kirkuk province.
The ISIL Takfiri terrorists currently control shrinking swathes of Syria and Iraq. They have threatened all communities, including Shiites, Sunnis, Kurds, Christians, Ezadi Kurds and others, as they continue their atrocities in Iraq.
Senior Iraqi officials have blamed Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and some Persian Gulf Arab states for the growing terrorism in their country.
ISIL has links with Saudi intelligence and is believed to be indirectly supported by the Israeli regime.