ISIL launches chemical attack in eastern Kobani: Kurds

Kurdish fighters defending the Syrian city of Kobani against the ISIL say the Takfiri militants have used chemical weapons.
Kurdish officials and doctors said on Wednesday that the terrorists released a sort of toxic gas in the eastern side of the Kurdish city late on Tuesday.
Aysa Abdullah, a senior Kurdish official based in Kobani, said the victims had symptoms that included dizziness and watery eyes and that there was no equipment to precisely determine what kinds of chemicals had been used.
Other reports said the victims were transferred to a hospital in neighboring Turkey.
Many have joined the ISIL from Iraq’s former Ba’athist regime, highly skilled at using chemical weapons.
The Ba’athists are led by Izzat Ibrahim, the henchman of former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein.
The ISIL terrorists have been committing heinous crimes in the captured areas, including mass executions and beheading of people.
The ISIL militants received training to use light and heavy weapons with the help of the US government at a secret base in Jordan in 2012, informed Jordanian officials say.