ISIS Executes 2 People, Crucifies another in Syria + Photo

ISIS terrorists executed two people accused of espionage and crucified another to a road sign in Syria, the Daily Mail reports.
“Images have emerged showing two men – bound and dressed in orange jumpsuits – kneeling on the ground as hundreds of jeering insurgents surround them,” mentions the U.K.-based news outlet.
“Masked men dressed in black have their weapons trained on the captives, while young boys force their way through the crowd to catch a glimpse of the helpless men,” it adds. “Another picture shows a deceased man hanging from a post with a sign hanging around his neck. The onlookers in the photograph seem unphased by the man’s limp, crucified body.”
The brutal murders took place in the Syrian city of Al-Bab.
Crucifixion appears to be a method used by ISIS to scare into submission its enemies and the inhabitants of the territory under its control.
ISIS crucified a 17-year-old boy in Aleppo, Syria, in October 2014. According to the United Nations, ISIS terrorists are murdering children by crucifixion and burying them alive. Christian and Yazidi minority children are