Italian students protest against education reforms

Hundreds of students have held protests in Rome and Milan against the Italian government’s austerity policies.
On Friday, the demonstrators took to the streets to express their opposition to education spending cuts and reforms.
The protesters were seen firing smoke bombs, vandalizing building walls and spraying graffiti.
The demonstrators argue that the cuts and reforms approved by the Italian parliament in July are unfair. They say the measures mostly benefit private schools and leave state schools underfunded.
In the capital Rome, clashes erupted between police and a large number of students protesting against the planned reforms.
Similar protests are set to be held throughout Italy, with both private and public worker unions pledging to go on strike in solidarity.
The so-called Good School educational reform program was initiated by the government in 2014.
The Italian government has been under fire for its economic and educational reforms.
In a televised speech last year, Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi defended the reforms, saying Italy’s 43-percent youth unemployment rate meant “the education system must change.”