Mikdad: The UN turned int’l terrorism into its spoiled son, just like Israel

Deputy Foreign and Expatriates Minister Faisal Mikdad said the world needs a reshaping of the United Nations so as for the organization to be actually, and not just in words, trustworthy of the international law.
In an interview with the Lebanese al-Binaa newspaper, published Saturday, Mikdad inveighed against the UN for its ignoring of the existence of terrorism and turning that into an established official policy of its own.
He noted that Syria, throughout the ongoing crisis in it, has come to get acquainted with many of positions and manners close to the UN lobbies that are of unspeakable disgrace with regard to the standards of the international law and the conventions governing the international organization itself.
A most shameful of those stances, which one cannot overlook, is that the UN General Secretariat and the UN envoy to Syria Lakhdar Brahimi, among other UN bodies, have agreed since the first years of the crisis in Syria on “a deliberate overlooking of the existence of terrorism” in the country, Mikdad said.
He added that this intentional disregard continues despite the presence of thousands of pages recounting document-backed stories of the terrorist crimes committed in Syria, with the supporting documents come often from neutral sources that directly or indirectly work for or in cooperation with the UN.
While persisting in this inattention, Mikdad said, the concerned UN parties cannot help by get zealous when they run into any newspaper or website, however nameless or unknown, for the mere fact that these sources level unproved, and sometimes even faked, accusationsagainst Syria and feel unembarrassed to call for investigation.
“The massacres of Erdogan government-backed terrorist groups against the residents of Kassab town are still a living example that appeals to every UN official to feel ashamed of having turned into a tool for supporting terrorism,” said Mikdad.
He lashed out at the UN and its officials for not even taking the pains to read the reports on the crimes of killing, plunder, looting, rape and destruction of religious symbols committed in Kassab as well as in any other Syrian towns and cities.
The Deputy Foreign Minister slammed the UN’s contradicting experience with each of Syria and Israel, as while it tends to “berate” Syria despite the fact that Syria has always called for implementing international resolutions, the UN’s pampering is being enjoyed by Israel which has always trampled on those resolutions.
He underscored that the reason which makes Israel, the top terrorist entity in the world, “the spoiled son” of the UN who is above the law is the same one which has made international terrorism the spoiled son of the UN that is also above the law.