Mossad Kills 6 Own Officers for Links with Iran
Mossad, the intelligence agency of the Zionist regime, has eliminated at least six senior officers at its Iran desk after the Iranian Intelligence Ministry thwarted an act of sabotage at an industrial center in the central city of Isfahan.

The Iranian Intelligence Ministry forces have detected a complicated security operation for an act of sabotage that Mossad was planning at an industrial center in Isfahan, arresting all operational elements involved in the plot.
Thereafter, Mossad discharged the head of its Iran desk and killed, with various methods, at least six senior officers working at the desk on a charge of links with Iranian intelligence forces.
Tomer Eikes, Ayalon Shapira, Sharon Small, Shaili Westland, Ofek Aharon, and Itamar Elhara were the six ranking officers who have been killed by Mossad during an interrogation process on a charge of links with Iran’s security service. The Zionist regime has confirmed the deaths of those six persons.

According to the report, apart from these six officers, a number of other officers have also been eliminated by the counter-espionage department of Mossad in various ways, such as through car accidents. The exact number and the fate of the victims remain unknown.
Mossad claims that ‘Sharon Small’, 42, and 21-year-old ‘Shaili Westland’ have had a stroke (after having a fall), alleging that ‘Ofek Aharon’, 26, and ‘Itamar Elharar’, 28, have been shot dead in a clash.

Mossad considered the exposure of its complicated act of sabotage as a big defeat and scandal, so it was forced to eliminate all officers in order to fix the breach of security and links with the Iranian security service in an attempt to protect other persons and their connections.
Considering Iran’s full dominance over Mossad’s activities in the West and Southeast Asia, it is not clear whether or not the recent thwarting of Mossad’s operation in Malaysia and the arrest of all of its agents in that country had taken place as part of cooperation between the intelligence services of Malaysia and Iran.
An informed security source has confirmed Tasnim’s report, saying, “Mossad could never imagine that the counter-espionage service of Iran’s security organization had been informed of their moves for the act of sabotage in Isfahan since the operation was being planned, and had maintained such (intelligence) dominance from when the plot was created until the arrest of the operational forces. They (Mossad) have even discharged the head of Iran desk to prevent the infiltration by the anonymous soldiers of Imam Zaman (AS) (Iranian Intelligence Ministry forces), but the dominance of the anonymous soldiers of Imam Zaman (AS) is beyond their (Mossad’s) control over their forces.”
The source also pointed to Mossad’s leading role in the riots in Iran, adding, “Mossad has direct responsibility amid the recent riots (in Iran) and thinks that it can pursue its sabotage activities through a number of nuisance raid operations and in cooperation with the regional (espionage) services by provoking the artists and athletes indirectly. However, one can definitely say that all measures and plots of the Mossad’s officers are being controlled and dominated by the anonymous soldiers of Imam Zaman (AS), as blows have been dealt to some of those activities while some others will receive blows in due time.”