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Official: Zionists Masterminding Terrorist Operations in Syria

Secretary General of the Arabic Center for Documentation of War Crimes in Syria blasted the UN’s negligence towards militants’ crimes in the Arab country, and said global Zionism is the mastermind of massacre of the Syrian women and children.

“There is no difference between the terrorists’ moves in Syria with the Zionist regime’s crimes against the Palestinian nation; the massacre of the women and children and displacing the innocent people shows that the international Zionism has devised the militants’ operational programs in Syria and it has plotted for all crimes inside Syria,” Haleh Al-Assad told FNA on Friday.

She underlined that continued lack of attention of the international community to the terrorists’ war crimes in Syria is the biggest crime against humanity all throughout the history.

“The regimes of Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey should be tried for supporting the terrorists in Syria,” Al-Assad added.

On Thursday, a prominent Syrian analyst described the UN indifference to the terrorist groups’ crimes in Syria and certain western and Arab regimes’ support for terrorism as a hypocritical behavior shown by the world body to the benefit of the Israeli regime.

“(UN Secretary-General) Ban Ki-moon works for the US, France and Britain and the reason he doesn’t even condemn a terrorist act in Syria is that he isn’t authorized unless he receives an order from the big powers,” Bassil Nayouf told FNA on Thursday.

Noting that recently, the terrorist groups in Syria fired over 100 missiles on residential areas in Aleppo in which over 36 civilians, including 12 children were killed, he said, “The UNSC has not yet condemned the Aleppo catastrophe which shows its support for the terrorism promoted by the Zionist regime.”

“The UNSC members are merely after meeting their own and Israel’s interests in the region,” Nayouf said.

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