Middle EastWorld News

Prominent Shia jurisprudent bans desecration of Sunni sanctities


Grand Ayatollah Nasser Makarem Shirazi, senior Shia jurisprudent met with a group of clerics and Islamic activists from Mashhad warning banning any desecration of Sunni sanctities, Taqrib News Agency (TNA) has reported RASA News Agency saying.
He referred to Wahhabi and excommunicating ideologies which permit bloodshed and looting of the non-believers and contrasted that with a verse from Qur’an that warns Muslims only against those who fight them or displace them from their lands.
Professor of Qom Seminary slammed Wahhabi movement as an enemy of religion and said,” Wahhabi followers reject all Shia, Sunni, Christians and followers of other religions as atheists. In fact they are strangers with Islam and any understanding of religion.”
Ayatollah Makarem hailed the active role of clerics promoting Islamic teachings and stressed their politeness and extreme respect towards Sunni sanctities while preaching.
Ayatollah Makarem referred to the considerate literature hired in writing “School of Islam” whose volumes were demanded by Sunni scholars due to its distance from any desecrating word.
Senior Shia scholar stressed the role of Islamic activists, prayer leaders and interpreters of Qur’an in confrontation with the deviate moves highlighting importance of building libraries, mosques and sports clubs as a way to warn promoters of deviate moves and leaving them no space among the people.

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