
Resistance Fighters in West Bank Clash with IOF: Violent Confrontations Erupt as Tensions Rise- Video

In a series of incursions by the Israeli occupation army in various areas of the West Bank, Palestinian resistance fighters have engaged in fierce clashes with the occupation forces, according to Palestinian sources. The confrontations have escalated with fighters targeting Israeli vehicles with homemade explosive devices, forcing the occupation forces to call in reinforcements.

Al-Qassam Brigades in Tubas confirmed the clashes in the northern West Bank city, while resistance fighters in towns such as Arraba, Ya’bad, and Al-Faqoua in the Jenin Governorate also stood their ground against Israeli occupation forces. Similar clashes were reported in Kafr Qaddum, Ezbet Jaloud, Aboud, and the Kharsa Triangle area.

The raids and arrest campaigns by the Israeli occupation army in the West Bank have coincided with its aggression against the Gaza Strip since October 7. With the approaching month of Ramadan, fears of escalating events in Jerusalem and the West Bank have grown, prompting calls by Palestinian factions to intensify action under the slogan “the flood of Ramadan.”

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