Satanic US VP threatens response to possible retaliatory moves by Syria

US Vice President Mike Pence has threatened that Washington is set to respond to possible retaliatory moves against its missile attacks on Syria, by Damascus or its allies, specifically Russia and Iran.
“The United States is ready to respond, to defend our forces; and to be clear, the US is also ready to take additional action in a sustained way to ensure that Syria understands that there will be a price to pay if they ever use chemical weapons again,” Pence proclaimed on Saturday in a press briefing in the Peruvian capital Lima, where he is attending a Latin American summit, filling in for US President Donald Trump, who did not attend to oversee the Syria bombardment.
He further underlined that Trump and his advisers did consider the possibility of a military response from Syria, Russia or Iran in the days leading up to the US-led attack on Friday night.
The remarks came a day after the American military, in collaboration with Britain and France, carried out what it routinely describes as “precision strikes” on three targets in Syria that it falsely claimed to be associated with the country’s alleged chemical weapons arsenal, without producing any evidence.