‘School of Nasrallah’ Int’l Conference kicks off in Tehran

‘School of Nasrallah’ Int’l Conference kicked off in Tehran on Saturday.
Titled “School of Nasallah”, the conference is organized by the Islamic Culture and Relations Organization (ICRO) at the Tehran Summit Hall (also known as the Tehran International Conference Hall) on November 9, marking the 40th day after the martyrdom of the revered figure.
Experts and thinkers from 13 countries have taken part in the international event.
The conference will be held in two sessions, in the morning and afternoon of November 9, with general presentations in the morning and expert panel discussions in the afternoon.
Hassan Nasrallah was a Lebanese cleric and the secretary-general of the Hezbollah Resistance movement who was martyred in the Israeli attack on Beirut on 27 September.
The Chief of the Lebanese Hezbollah Resistance Movement, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, devoted 3 decades of his life to leading the Resistance Front against the child-killing regime of Israel.