Scores of Izadi victims found in north Iraq mass grave

A mass grave containing the bodies of 80 Iraqi Izadi Kurds murdered by ISIL Takfiri terrorists has been discovered in northern Iraq, officials say.
The Iraqi Ministry of Human Rights announced on Monday that the mass grave contained the remains of 80 Izadi “citizens of different ages,” which was found by locals in the al-Jadaa village located in the western part of Nineveh Province.
A number of other mass graves have also been found by Kurdish Peshmerga forces over the past months, containing the remains of the Izadi Kurdish minority, who were slain by ISIL.
Last summer, Nineveh Province and other areas in the north and west of Iraq came under the ISIL Takfiri terrorists’ control when they launched a sweeping attack on the regions.
ISIL then expanded into the Sinjar district of western Nineveh, mainly populated by Izadi Kurds, and committed horrendous atrocities against the minority people.
Regarding them as “infidels and Satanists,” ISIL massacred hundreds of men, abducted and enslaved hundreds of women and girls, abused them as sex slaves and displaced tens of thousands of others, including children and the elderly, many of whom perished while left stranded in the mountains.
Now, more than 3,000 Izadis are believed to be under the control of the militants who teach their kids the Takfiri dogma and militancy.
The ISIL Takfiris currently control parts of Syria and Iraq. They have threatened all communities, including Shias, Sunnis, Kurds, Christians and others, as they continue their crimes in Iraq and Syria.