Security Restored to Vast Regions in Western Damascus After Militants’ Full Evacuation

The army commanders confirmed that all the gunmen, who refused to endorse peace agreement with the Syrian Army, and their family members have left the towns and regions of Madhaya, al-Zabadani, Baqin, Sarqaya, Bloudan and al-Jabal (mount) al-Sharqi, and “security has been restored once again to these regions after their evacuation”.
They added that after evacuation of gunmen and their family members security was restored to areas as large as 50 sq/km.
Local sources confirmed on Tuesday that over 2,000 gunmen and their family members left al-Wa’er district in the outskirts of Homs city for Northern territories in Syria within the framework of the fifth phase of the reconciliation plan in the province.
The sources added that 510 gunmen that had refused the government’s peace offer left al-Wa’er for the border town of Jarabulus in Northern Aleppo on 55 buses, adding that the number of the gunmen and their family members evacuating al-Wa’er for Northern Syria within the fifth phase of the plan now stands at 2,010.