Senior Hezbollah Commander’s Daughter to Al-Manar: Martyrdom Speaks Louder than Life

In an interview with Al-Manar TV on Friday, Khadija Fouad Shokr, daughter of Hezbollah Senior Commander Sayyed Fouad Shokr (Sayyed Mohsen), said, “After my father’s martyrdom, his name, which had been kept secret for security reasons, was finally made public. Now, I can proudly say that I am Khadija Fouad Shokr.”
Mrs. Shokr described her father, saying, “Throughout his lifetime, our martyr was a formidable and steadfast figure, always supporting those around him with unwavering resolve. Yet, he was also the kind and compassionate Sayyed Fouad.”
She added, “My father devoted his life to the resistance, preparing us for this day. His greatest wish was always to end his life as a martyr.”
“Our family remains committed to this righteous path and will continue with the same determination. Hezbollah’s resistance does not depend on any one person,” Mrs. Shokr emphasized.
Addressing the Israeli enemy forcefully, Mrs. Khadija declared, “You will find no relief in the martyrdom of Sayyed Mohsen, just as you found none in his presence. If he caused you pain in life, his death will bring you even greater suffering.