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Supreme Leader of Islamic Ummah asks Muslims to tap ‘inner strength’ to eject Zionist regime

Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei has called on Muslims to mobilize and sweep out the Zionist enemy from the region.

“If the Islamic ummah uses its inner strength, the Zionist regime will be removed from the heart of the Muslim community,” he said Saturday in a meeting with Muslim ambassadors and participants of an Islamic Unity Conference in Tehran.

Ayatollah Khamenei said if Muslims “are united and become a single hand against our enemies, we will not allow foreigners to do whatever they want”.

“If we unite against our enemies regardless of our differences, we can both improve our society and our country, and Muslim countries can have a relationship with each other with dignity,” he said.

“This is how Islamic countries can safeguard their economy, culture, trade and security together and not allow foreigners to do whatever they want here.”

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