Syria demands UN condemnation of terrorist crime of beheading Palestinian boy in Aleppo

Foreign and Expatriates Ministry sent on Wednesday two identical letters to the UN Secretary General and Head of the Security Council on the terrorists’ slaughtering of a Palestinian boy in Aleppo.
A emerged online on Tuesday showing terrorists of the so-called “Nour al-Din al-Zenki Movement” cutting off the head of a 12-year-old Palestinian child in a camp hosting Palestinian refugees near Aleppo city.
In its letters, the Ministry said the Syrian government demands condemnations from the UN Secretary General and Head of the Security Council of all the crimes being committed against the Syrian citizens and the residents of the Palestinian camps in Syria.
The letters called for particular condemnation of the crime against the Palestinian boy in Aleppo, which was described by the Ministry as being an “ugly” and “repulsive” committed against an innocent kid.
The letters conveyed Syria’s demand for punitive measures to be taken against the countries and regimes that are supporting and funding terrorism to stop them from continuing to mess with the international peace and security.
Harakat Nour al-Din al-Zenki .