Terrorists trained by Norway are planning to fight Syrian gov’t: report

The Norwegian-trained terrorist group called the Revolutionary Command Army (MaT) meant to help quell Daesh* are now waging a war against the Syrian leadership and pro-government forces, the Norwegian daily Klassekampen reported.
According to Klassekampen, the terrorist group is now openly fighting for a regime change in Syria, while also being an important part of the US’s efforts to prevent Iranian influence in the region.
In May 2016, it was announced that Norwegian soldiers were to be dispatched to Syria’s neighbor country Jordan to provide “training, counseling and operational support” to Syrian paramilitary groups fighting Daesh as part of the US-led Operation Inherent Resolve. In June 2016, the Norwegian parliament also green-lit similar missions in Syria itself.
While Norway’s Syria contribution was formally concluded in March this year, as the mandate formally expired, the exact extent and nature of Norway’s involvement was largely kept secret. Terrorist group (MaT) commander Muhannad al-Talla confirmed to Klassekampen that his group was trained by Norwegians in al-Tanf in southeastern Syria, where the invader US also has a base.
While both Prime Minister Erna Solberg and then-Defense Minister Ine Eriksen Søreide emphasized the mandate was to fight Daesh, ensuring that they “won’t endanger the peace process,” terrorist leader claimed that his Western allies never concealed that his soldiers were to fight both ISIL and the Syrian government.
“From the very beginning, I’ve been completely aware that I’m fighting “the Islamic State” and the al-Assad forces. [Daesh] is not gone but is clearly weakened. Now the priority is the fight Assad,” terrorist leader al-Talla admitted to Klassekampen.