US sends terrorists to Syria: Sayyed Nasrallah

The Leader of Hezbollah Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah says the United States and its allies are sending terrorists to Syria in order to destroy the country and the resistance.
Hezbollah’s secretary general said in a televised address on Sunday that the US and the West are sending terrorists and Takfiris to Syria to destroy the axis of resistance in the region.
Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah said the plot against Syria has begun to unravel and the Arab country will finally prevail against foreign-backed militants.
Nasrallah added that the scenario against Syria will backfire on the West as militants are now returning to the countries they came from including those in Europe.
The comments come as Syrian troops are going ahead with their operations to push out the foreign-backed militants from residential areas across the country.
The Western powers and their regional allies — especially Qatar, Saudi Arabia and Turkey — are said to be supporting the militants operating inside Syria.
Nasrallah also spoke of the vacant presidential post in Lebanon, stressing that the country needs to elect a president as soon as possible.
Nasrallah maintained that the election of a president is a national responsibility. He said Hezbollah wants a president who brings peace and stability.
The deadlock is linked to the political polarization between March 14 Alliance, on the one side, and Hezbollah and its allies in the March 8 Alliance, on the other.
March 14 Alliance, which is led by the pro-Saudi figure Saad Hariri, has thus far supported the candidacy of anti-Hezbollah figure, Samir Geagea, who is well-known for having a history of collaboration with Israel.