Home/Documents/Media Lies/VİDEO: Hamas fighters clash with the invading Israeli forces northwest of Beit Lahia and destroy a number of vehicles. Hamas is giving hell to the “invincible” IDF Media LiesMiddle EastVideosWorld News VİDEO: Hamas fighters clash with the invading Israeli forces northwest of Beit Lahia and destroy a number of vehicles. Hamas is giving hell to the “invincible” IDF syriatrNovember 7, 20230 201 Less than a minute https://www.syriatruths.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/ssstwitter.com_1699370467820.mp4 syriatrNovember 7, 20230 201 Less than a minute Facebook X LinkedIn Tumblr Pinterest Reddit VKontakte Share via Email Print