Middle EastWorld News

Yemeni Forces Strike US Warships in Support of Palestine, Target Bulk Carrier in Red Sea

The Yemeni Armed Forces (YAF) launched a series of targeted operations that included strikes on two United States warships in the Red Sea in support of the Palestinian people. The spokesperson for the Yemeni Military Brigadier General Yahya Saree made the announcement on Tuesday, revealing that the YAF Unmanned Air Force was behind the attacks.


سيسجل التاريخ ان اليمن اول دولة تهاجم البوارج الامريكية وتشطب الخطوط الحمراء لامريكا وإسرائيل وبريطانيا نصرة لغزة… pic.twitter.com/OJ20JcpjBy

— بركان المسيرة2 (@burkan_almasira) April 29, 2024


One of the targets was the CYCLADES bulk carrier, which was hit with precise strikes after violating the YAF’s ban on ships sailing to and from Israeli-occupied ports. The ship was reportedly heading to the Umm al-Rashrash (Eilat) port while attempting to disguise its destination.


In addition to the CYCLADES, the YAF also targeted the Israeli-affiliated MSC ORION container ship in the Indian Ocean. This comes on the heels of the US Central Command (CENTCOM) engaging five drones over the Red Sea, claiming they posed a threat to US, coalition, and merchant vessels in the region.


بيان القوات المسلحة اليمنية بشأن عملية استهداف مدمرتين أمريكيتين وعملية استهداف سفينة (CYCLADES) في البحر الأحمر وسفينةَ ( MSC ORION ) في المحيطِ الهندي التابعتان للكيان الصهيوني pic.twitter.com/t2sqhd81iK

— بركان المسيرة2 (@burkan_almasira) April 29, 2024


The recent attacks by the YAF follow their successful downing of an American MQ-9 aircraft engaging in hostilities in the Saada Governorate airspace. Footage of the operation was published by the Yemeni military media, showcasing their determination to support Palestine in the face of international opposition.


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