‘zionist NWO murders Iranian general, American filmmaker’

In Syria, an Israeli helicopter strike murdered General Mohammad Allahdadi and five other members of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard. Meanwhile, in the American Midwest, professional killers slaughtered anti-New World Order filmmaker David Crowley, his wife, Komel, and their 5-year-old daughter – employing the same modus operandi used in the killing of 9/11 truth author Philip Marshall two years ago.
The lesson of the twin killings was painfully clear: American and Iranian patriots face a common enemy.
The murder of General Allahdadi and his colleagues was the most recent of many Israeli attacks on Syria aimed at helping ISIL. Why don’t Americans understand that ISIL and Israel are close allies? Because their media won’t tell them.
The US mainstream media is owned by Zionists dedicated to achieving a New World Order. At the June, 1991 Bilderberg meeting in Baden, Germany, David Rockefeller, whose family has fronted for the Rothschilds for generations, said:
“We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But the world is more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national autodetermination practiced in past centuries.”
New World Order Zionism aims to blast the Middle East into balkanized bits in accord with the Oded Yinon plan, and establish a Greater Israel stretching from the Nile to the Euphrates with Occupied Jerusalem as its capital. That is why the Zionists created ISIL and sent it to fight Muslims and Christians in Syria and Iraq. And that is why the Zionists are attacking Syria in support of ISIL.
New World Order Zionism is also targeting the USA for destruction. The Zionist bankster elite staged a coup d’état on September 11th, 2001 aimed at turning the USA into a police state – and sending American military forces to the Middle East to smash Israel’s enemies into pieces.
David Crowley was one of the New World Order’s most effective enemies. His movie project Gray State had the potential to mobilize millions of people.
Infowars described Gray State as “a highly-anticipated independent film envisioning a brutal police state, martial law crackdown, complete with biometric identification, a ubiquitous surveillance state and FEMA stormtroopers rounding dissidents up into camps.” Now it appears the New World Order police state Crowley warned against is pre-emptively murdering those who might succeed in rallying the American people against the coming dystopia.
The Zionists murder or otherwise disable people they deem an actionable threat. Anyone they believe may seriously threaten Zionist New World Order interests in the future is a potential target for elimination.
General Mohammad Allahdadi posed a serious threat to the Zionists. A competent, capable, patriotic military man, General Allahdadi was a key figure in the Axis of Resistance that has stymied Zionist New World Order plans for the complete destruction of Syria, Iraq, and Iran.
David Crowley was also an actionable threat to the Zionist New World Order. Crowley’s film project Gray State generated tremendous buzz among anti-New World Order Americans, and was poised to become the movement’s definitive statement.
The professional killing of Crowley and his family exemplifies how Zionist pre-emptive murderers excel at “killing the future.” Other examples include the 22 July 2011 assassinations in Oslo, Norway of the entire youth wing leadership of the Norwegian Labor Party. A team of Zionist-liked professional killers executed a total of 77 people, while Zionist-freemasonic assets in the Norwegian police and military stood by.
The Labor Party’s youth wing was about to succeed in making Norway the first European country to boycott Israel. By killing the leaders of the Norwegian BDS movement, the Zionists not only stopped that movement in its tracks, but also eliminated dozens of likely future Norwegian government leaders who would have posed a long-term threat to Israel and its aspirations for New World Order global tyranny.
Another example of “killing the future” was the likely murder of Malcolm Shabazz, Malcolm X’s grandson, on May 9th, 2013. In a May 11th 2013 Press TV article I wrote that the assassination seemed designed to pre-empt “Malcolm’s impending rise to superstar-dissident status. Make no mistake: Malcolm Shabazz, like his grandfather, posed a serious, ‘actionable’ long-term threat to the powers-that-be. Malcolm had converted to Shi’a Islam and become a spokesman for the ‘axis of resistance’ – not just anti-Zionist forces in the Middle East, but anti-empire forces around the world.”
The New World Order covert operators learned long ago that killing the charismatic messenger is an effective way to stop the message from spreading. They killed Huey Long on September 10th, 1935 to stop an anti-bankster revolution during America’s Great Depression. They poisoned Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1945 to stop FDR’s Economic Bill of Rights and instead fund a Cold War against the Soviet Union. They shot John and Robert Kennedy to save the Federal Reserve, the military-industrial-intelligence complex, and Israel’s nuclear weapons program. They shot Malcolm X and Martin Luther King, Jr. to prevent black and non-elite white Americans from joining a world anti-imperialist alliance. They murdered Senator Paul Wellstone and his wife and daughter to cover up 9/11 and remove an obstacle to the US invasion of Iraq.
The same people – Zionist-freemasonic forces funded by the worlds biggest bankers – are killing patriotic Americans and patriotic Iranians. The outrageous killings of General Allahdadi in Syria, and David Crowley and his family in Minnesota, on the same weekend, should mobilize the people, and the militaries, of both countries to do battle against their common enemy.